LINGUIST List 35.1078

Wed Mar 27 2024

Summer Schools: Climate Change Theories, Narrations and Discourse: Sharing Methods, Knowledges and Practices / Italy

Editor for this issue: Zackary Leech <>

LINGUIST List is hosted by Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences.

Date: 25-Mar-2024
From: Arianna Del Gaudio <>
Subject: Climate Change Theories, Narrations and Discourse: Sharing Methods, Knowledges and Practices / Italy
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Climate Change Theories, Narrations and Discourse: Sharing Methods, Knowledges and Practices

Host Institution: University of Naples L'Orientale

Dates: 24-Jun-2024 - 27-Jun-2024
Location: Naples

Focus: The programme consists of a series of lectures, intensive work sessions and roundtable discussions which will be held by the following experts:

Keynote lectures:

Jonathan Charteris-Black (UWE Bristol)

Martin Reisigl (University of Vienna)

Lectures and sessions:

Jacqueline Aiello (University of Salerno)

M. Cristina Aiezza (University of Naples L’Orientale)

Raffaella Baccolini (University of Bologna- Alma Mater Studiorum)

Vincenzo Bavaro (University of Naples L’Orientale)

Cinzia Bevitori (University of Bologna- Alma Mater Studiorum)

Maria Bortoluzzi (University of Udine)

Marta Cariello (Vanvitelli University)

Paola Catenaccio (University of Milan)

Rossella Ciocca (University of Naples L’Orientale)

Carmen Concilio (Università di Torino)

Niall Curry (Manchester Metropolitan University)

Alessandra De Chiara (University of Naples L’Orientale)

Massimiliano Demata (University of Turin)

Felice Farina (University of Naples L’Orientale)

Ersilia Francesca (University of Naples L’Orientale)

Chiara Ghidini (University of Naples L’Orientale)

Jane Helen Johnson (Università di Bologna- Alma Mater Studiorum)

Denise Milizia (University of Bari Aldo Moro)

Antonella Napolitano (University of Naples L’Orientale)

Laura R. Olson (Clemson University, USA)

Khan Touseef Osman (University of Salerno)

Dario Padovan (Università di Turin)

Alessandro Pastore (Università di Bologna- Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna Business School)

Alberto Pirni (Università di Pisa)

Katherine E. Russo (University of Naples L’Orientale) (

Delio Salottolo (University of Naples L’Orientale)

All lectures and sessions will take place at Palazzo Du Mesnil (University of Naples L’Orientale), Via Chiatamone 61/62, Naples.
Minimum Education Level: Students - Researchers

The summer school in “Climate Change Theories, Narrations and Discourse: Sharing Knowledges and Practices” is aimed at students and researchers from different disciplines who seek to share their methods, knowledge and good practices in regard to climate change critical theories, narrations and discourse.

It will provide a collaborative space for students and researchers who aim to investigate how climate change is communicated, narrated, and socially constructed. It will therefore provide theoretical and methodological tools for the identification of linguistic, discursive, narrative and multimodal strategies in dialogue with related studies in the humanities and social sciences.

The summer school will take place under the aegis of the newly born Interuniversity Centre Dis-4Change: Studies on Climate Change and Environmental Discourse which was founded in 2023 by the University of Naples L’Orientale (administrative headquarter), the University of Bologna – Alma Mater, the University of Bari, the University of Milan, the University of Salerno, the University of Turin and the University of Udine.

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Discourse Analysis
Ling & Literature
Text/Corpus Linguistics

Subject Language(s): English (eng)

Registration Open until 15-May-2024

Apply by Email: [email protected]

Registration Instructions:
To register for the Summer School, please transfer your registration fees ahead of the event, with a clear indication of the full name of the person who is to be registered and send an email to [email protected] to inform us about your registration and payment.

Registration Fee: 120 euro (which includes coffee breaks and lunches)

Bank transfer details:

Bank transfer payable to Università degli studi di Napoli "l'Orientale"

IntesaSanpaolo Branch, Via Forno Vecchio 36 80134 Naples, Italy

Account Number: 66150100000046047 Swift: BCITITMM

Iban: IT93E0306903496100000046047

Reason for payment: it is mandatory to specify clearly and legibly the reason for the payment stating “the full name of the person, Dis4change Summer School, DSLLC”

Page Updated: 27-Mar-2024

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